
Rucksack Number 1

tags: rucksacks / stitching / sewing / diy / art /

I’ve started sewing bags! My foray into full packs is Rucksack #1, a bright blue cheery bag for a month-long trip to Boston.

New Year's Art and Blog

tags: newyear / art / resolutions / meta /

Some finds from the Short Run zine and art fest in Seattle This past year, I had a lot of changes in my life, with a change of work and moving all the way from the east coast to Seattle.

Learning about Sashiko and re-enforcing an apron

tags: stitching / diy / art /

This semester I’ve been working on learning and exploring Sashiko Stitching – a practice not dissimilar to embroidery, rooted in reinforcement and, in conversation with other practices, mending.

Inking a mountain range

tags: videos / drawing / art /

This is a clip of me inking and painting in watercolour a distant mountain range with a tower nestled in it. I inked the piece using my Rotring Isograph 0.

Painting a tiny home

tags: videos / drawing / art /

Today I penciled, inked, and painted in watercolour a small scene of a cottage or home. Take a look!

Leaning and Field Notes

tags: art / web / tooling /

Hi, it’s Dieter. This is the third newsletter issue of things I do and things I find. Hope you find something interesting in here! I’ve rewritten this short piece several times over the last few months – somehow it just never felt like the right moment to hit send.